Serving "The Hills" since 1959

Neighborhood Watch
Thank you for making the Five-point Pledge
and for becoming a Charter Member of
Burlingame Hills Neighborhood Watch!
The Five-point Pledge:

Watch out for suspicious activity and hazards, inform law enforcement* (or PG&E or fire department, if applicable*) then post as soon as possible on Nextdoor Burlingame Hills or, if you're not a subscriber, call Steve at (650) 777-7899 (home)
Report burglaries to local law enforcement*, then to your Community Association at or call Steve at (650) 777-7899 (home)
Let your neighborhood lead** know when you are selling your house or when a neighbor is selling theirs
Let your neighborhood lead** know when new neighbors move in so your Community Association can welcome them to the community with a special gift
Personally welcome your new neighbors to the community*** (of course, while adhering to Covid-19 safety guidelines)