Serving "The Hills" since 1959

Emergency preparedness
This is a library of EP information for you, your family, and your neighborhood. It is a combination of original material and others adapted from various sources, including FEMA, Burlingame Neighborhood Network, and Hillsborough Neighborhood Network.
Access to water -- flyer — Ways to access water during a disaster
Defensible space flyer — Information on reducing the risk of a fire damaging your home.
Disaster supply kit list --- Everything you need for your home and vehicles (BHNN)
Earthquake checklist -- flyer — All the things to prepare before an earthquake
Electrical shut-off flyer — How to shut off your utilities (gas, electric, and water) -- flyer
Emergency preparedness for children flyer — How to prepare your children for a disaster
Emergency preparedness for pets — How to prepare your pets for a disaster
Emergency preparedness information websites
Family emergency plan --- Fill in this sheet then make Family Emergency Information Cards for each family member
Family Emergency Information Cards --- Cards to put in your wallet and in your kids' backpacks to everyone knows where to meet and whom to call in an emergency
Fire Forum Notes from 2/27/18 --- A presentation by firefighters to Burlingame Hills residents
Fire safety homeowner checklist — How to make your home safe from wildfires
HNN Prep Matrix — A Hillsborough Neighborhood Network form that has simple monthly tasks to get prepared
Lessons from the earthquake — Stewart Brand shares his impressions as one of the first people on the scene of the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco
Power outages flyer — What to do during a power outage
Protect yourself during an earthquake -- flyer — How to protect yourself during an earthquake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
Ten things you can do to prepare for a major emergency
The key to disaster survival — From NPR: It is the personal ties among members of a community that determine survival during a disaster, and recovery in its aftermath
When disaster strikes -- What to do when the disaster strikes
Wildfire action plan — How to make your home safe from wild fires